Now is the time to lodge your vote for the removal of the TLPI (Temporary Local Planning Instrument) from the Moorooka War Workers’ Housing Estate.

This removal will mean that the zoning of your home will revert to its original Character Protection. The heritage overlay, which was introduced with the Draft Nathan, Salisbury, Moorooka Neighbourhood Plan, will then be removed.

For the consultation to be successful, and to remove the TLPI from the Moorooka War Workers’ Housing Estate, we need to make sure that the majority (51%) of owners in the estate provide a submission to Council by 11:59pm Sunday, 16 June 2024.

How to have your say:

Consultation is now open and your feedback is important. Information on the “Qualified State Interest Amendment – Local Heritage” can be found on Council’s website at: and search “Local heritage amendment”.

What is a properly made submission?

A properly made submission must be in writing and include:
• What in the proposed amendment you support or do not support, and why;
• Full name and property address of each person lodging the submission (no PO boxes);
• Signature of each person (when sending by post);
• Phone number and/or email address if you are happy for Council to contact you for further information;
• Only one person per submission;

• Be clear on how the ownership of your house is listed on the Title to avoid confusion (i.e. if your home is in a Trust, you are Power of Attorney, or your home was purchased in your maiden name or married name).

Where to send your submission:

• City Plan Online via and search “Local heritage amendment”

• Email the Project Team at

• In writing to:
Strategic Planning (Local Heritage Amendment)
City Planning and Economic Development
Brisbane City Council
GPO Box 1434

• Email or deliver to the Moorooka Ward Office

I will continue to work with local resident, Brian Luckins and his support group in assisting residents to coordinate submissions. Brian is available on 0413 285 248 or via email should you wish to discuss any aspect of your submission with him.