I have received confirmation that Council will soon commence rehabilitation works on Stable Swamp Creek, commencing at the footbridge in Leeds Street, through Fauna Parade Park to Marshall Road, Rocklea.

As you are aware, I have held several meetings with residents, including a public meeting with Council officers at Kookaburra Park. I have also been raising this as a priority in my yearly budget submissions.

A scope of the works to be undertaken along Stable Swamp Creek is set out below:

• Weed Management
o Remove invasive weed tree species predominantly coral trees (Erythrina crista-galli) along the upper bank, and portion of dense coral tree infestation.
o Estimated to be approximately 150 weed trees.
o To be undertaken via site injection and cut to ground methodologies, dependant on the location.
o Root balls are to be left in situ for bank stability.
o Slashing of thick exotic grasses on creek banks.

• Desilting of accumulated sediment at critical hydraulic control points
o Removal of excess sediment to natural bed level. No disturbance to banks.
o To be undertaken by long arm excavator from top of bank.

• Revegetation
o Planting of hydraulically neutral canopy trees appropriately set back on the northern bank 10m and 10m apart (approx.16 tees). Each tree would be accompanied by a small number of native grass ground cover species to scour protection.
o Selected riparian revegetation zones, to be fully revegetated with endemic species appropriate for the location and flood sensitivities.

Works are scheduled to be completed prior to June 2024.  I am excited to deliver this news to residents of Rocklea and again would like to thank those who supported me in rallying the Lord Mayor and Council to finally see action.